Wire rope slings
Sleeved wire ropes, splices, grommet slings, superloop wire rope slings, etc.
ILSA has a lot of expertise in the handling and processing of wire rope. In our workshops, we produce sleeved wire ropes, splices, Grommet slings, 2-loop spliced GRELINS, SUPERLOOP wire rope slings, socket castings, etc. up to a wire rope diameter of 70mm.
Wire ropes to length
Wholesale and/or cut-to-length wire ropes
Our large stock of wire ropes and accessories, between 800 and 1,000 tonnes, enables us to respond quickly to requests.
Many brands
Casar, Diepa, Green Pin, Van Beest, Crosby, etc.
If you would like to know more about wire ropes, please consult our information sheets or contact us.