> Contact us

Contact us

Let us lift up your expectations!


Industrial Lifting SA
Oudstrijdersstraat 31
1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw

     +32 (0)2 378 06 50
    +32 (0)2 377 58 91


Monday       08:00-12:00 & 13:00-17:00

Tuesday       08:00-12:00 & 13:00-17:00

Wednesday 08:00-12:00 & 13:00-17:00

Thursday     08:00-12:00 & 13:00-17:00

Friday           08:00-12:00 & 13:00-16:00

Closed on Saturday and Sunday


Monday       08:00-12:00 & 12:30-16:30

Tuesday       08:00-12:00 & 12:30-16:30

Wednesday 08:00-12:00 & 12:30-16:30

Thursday     08:00-12:00 & 12:30-16:30

Friday           08:00-12:00 & 12:30-15:30

Closed on Saturday and Sunday

Une adresse doit être spécifiée pour qu'une carte soit intégrée

In July 2022, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw installed two blocks of concrete between Oudstrijdersstraat and Zuunstraat. The purpose is to limit the access through the residential part of the Oudstrijderstraat. If your GPS doesn't take this change into account, we recommend putting "Drie fonteinenstraat" as destination. Here a picture showing how to get here coming from the south (in dark blue and light blue) or from the north (in green).

 Contact us, we'll answer you as fast as possible.

Séparez les adresses email par une virgule.