> Products > Lifting devices > Working platforms

Man cage for 1 person ILSA NA-1 or 2 persons NA-2
Man cage for the transport of injured persons ISLA NABL
Working cage for forklift trucks ILSA NAEL
Working cage for material transport ILSA BAMAT
Pallet cage ILSA NAMAT

The family Constructions includes the following products: lifting beams, C hooks, special hooks, pallet lifts, gantry cranes, working platforms, giant shackles, turning hooks, JIB, swelling cranes, girder cranes and accessories and tripods.

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The family Constructions includes the following products: lifting beams, C hooks, special hooks, pallet lifts, gantry cranes, working platforms, giant shackles, turning hooks, JIB, swelling cranes, girder cranes and accessories and tripods.

Download Constructions (FR)

The family Constructions includes the following products: lifting beams, C hooks, special hooks, pallet lifts, gantry cranes, working platforms, giant shackles, turning hooks, JIB, swelling cranes, girder cranes and accessories and tripods. PDF only available in Dutch and French.

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